Helping SMEs with Financial Information

EUEI (and their fellow SECure partners) work(s) with many organisations and SMEs across Europe and around the world.

We have found that a lot of the education and information about finance is never taught in schools, colleges or universities. New and existing entrepreneurs are expected to find the right information for their area of focus and learn on the job. Sometimes this causes the wrong decisions to be made or for the right questions to be asked but to the wrong people.

The SECure Project aims to help SME owners identify Early Warning Indicators within businesses and to help develop suitable measures to prevent and/or overcome a crisis.

This is a wide topic for SMEs and one of which the SECure Project aims to identify and tackle going forward.

SMEs can find it difficult to source reading material and information regarding their business and how best to protect it during a crisis as well as preparing them for planning and moving forward successfully.

To prevent trawling through long search engine pages we have listed below several of the sites that include articles and posts to help businesses with Financial and Planning information for their businesses.

Having access to the latest financial information is essential to running a successful business. However, it’s difficult to trust information from unfamiliar sources, which is why it’s crucial to find great resources that you can trust.  Our Toolkit will help with this and show SMEs how to analyse and prepare within their business.

Below are a list of sites and blogs that can help businesses…

Our own SECure collection of posts are available on:

The 6 Best Small Business Blogs for Financial Information

20 Financial Bloggers Share Their Secrets To Running A Successful Blog